This page includes information about support for Atomic Networks services. If you would like to get into contact with us for questions regarding our services and support, don’t hesitate to open a ticket (view below) or reach out to a member of our team on our Discord

Scope of Support

As an Atomic Networks customer, you get support for Atomic Networks core services. Core services under the terms of this scope document are defined as the following for each respective service: 

  • Complementary Break-Fix Based Support
    • Issues Regarding Hardware Downtime
    • Issues Regarding Downtime for Atomic Networks 1st Party Software and Services
    • Assistance with ISO Installation at Request

3rd Party Software

While we wish to provide the highest quality service possible to our clients, we cannot guarantee the ability to troubleshoot issues that ultimately stem from those of 3rd Party Software. 3rd Party Software includes but is not limited to: 

  • Independently Installed Custom ISOs on VPS/Dedicated Servers
  • Addons/Modules for Game Server Hosting not currently offered in the Mod Manager section. 

Regardless of this fact, note that we will do everything in our power to assist you by pointing you in the right direction for your issues with 3rd Party Software. 


Before contacting support… 

If you are unable to find a solution using the Help Center, gather as much information as you can about your issue so we can help you fast!

Gathering Information

When contacting Support, it helps to have the following information available:

  1. A description of the issue and your expectations if things were to be working properly. In addition to what isn’t working, it’s helpful for us to know what’s going on. 
  2. A description of the steps you performed for the issue to happen. If we know how to reproduce the issue, it will be much easier to resolve it. 
  3. Screenshots, MTRs, Error Messages, and other applicable data if you can find it. 

Contacting Support

To get official support from a member of the Atomic Networks Support Team, you can do so by doing the following…


Navigate to the Ticket Page

Click here to be taken to the ticket page.


Select Department

Please select the department that is most relevant to your issue. This will help us get to your issue in the fastest possible timeframe.


Include All Details

The more information you add about your issue, the faster we can solve your problem!

Additionally, if you are looking for an answer from our community, we encourage you to join our Discord. Here, you will be able to ask questions about your service. Sometimes, there are people that have already dealt with your issue and are able to assist. 

Members of the Atomic Hosting Discord are not official Atomic Networks support staff. We cannot guarantee the efficacy of a member’s advice and ultimately always encourage clients to open a Billing Panel ticket for critical issues.