Last Updated 3/6/24

Having trouble starting up your Star Wars RP server? We can help! With thousands of hours worth of experience managing our own DarkRP based servers, we have the knowledge to make starting your own GMod Star Wars RP server easy and simple. Follow this guide on how to set up a Star Wars RP server in a few short steps!

This guide applies to users of our GMod Star Wars RP Server Hosting, but can mostly be applied to any other GMod hosting service as well. If you want to make the process as easy as possible, we recommend claiming a Free Development Server from our page. We provide 24/7 support, even for our free clients.

Before beginning the steps on this guide, make sure you’ve followed the initial setup guides on our “How to Make a GMod Server” ultimate guide.

Step 1: Download the DerivedRP Gamemode

DerivedRP is a special version of the DarkRP files that allows you to edit the gamemode name. To put DerivedRP onto your service, navigate to the release page and download the file.

Once you have the .zip file on your computer, use an extraction software like WinRAR to open the .zip file. Once you have the file opened, drag the derivedrp folder onto your desktop.

If you’re currently hosting your Garry’s Mod with Atomic Networks, you can bypass extracting your .zip file entirely.

Once your derivedrp folder has been downloaded, drag and drop the folder into the home / container / garrysmod / gamemodes directory.

Step 2: Rename Files to Star Wars RP

Either in the game panel or on your desktop, rename the derivedrp folder you moved in Step 1 to starwarsrp. Open the folder.

Inside of the folder, you will see a file named derivedrp.txt, change the name of this file to starwarsrp.txt. Once you have changed the file name, open the starwars.txt file that you just renamed.

Inside of the starwarsrp.txt file, change the title on the 1st line to "starwarsrp" and the “Title” variable to "StarWarsRP". Below is an example of a properly configured file.

        "base"      "darkrp"
        "title"    "StarWarsRP"
        "version"   "1.0.0"
        "menusystem"     "1"

        "author_name"   "Harray and FPtje Falco et al."
        "author_email"  ""
        "author_url"    ""

        "icon"  ""
        "info"  ""
        "hide"  ""

Next, navigate back to the starwarsrp folder (previously named derivedrp) and open the gamemode folder. Here, we will be changing two files.

The first file we are changing is cl_init.lua, change the “GM.Name” value in this file to “StarwarsRP”. The second file you will change is init.lua, change the “GM.Name” value in this file to “StarwarsRP”. Shown below are example files.

    GM.Version = "1.0.0"
    GM.Name = "StarwarsRP"
    GM.Author = "By Harry, FPtje Falco et al."
    GM.Version = "1.0.0"
    GM.Name = "StarwarsRP"
    GM.Author = "By Harry, FPtje Falco et al."
Have some more questions about configuring DarkRP based gamemodes like the Star Wars RP server you just made? Check out this guide on how to make a GMod DarkRP Server for some answers to frequently asked questions.